Carolyn's Tribute

Created by Clare 4 years ago

St Bede’s Church is and has been an extended part of our family home and the location of some of our greatest family milestones over the last forty years.  Fr Martin has shared many of those days with us as he does today not only as our priest but as Mum and Dad’s good friend too. We would like to thank you Fr for everything you have done for us and particularly the comfort and strength you provided Dad with in his last week, he really appreciated it as did we.

Everyone’s parents have a story and Robert has already told you about Mum and Dad’s, all I can add is from the moment they met in Kenya in June 1966 to living in Forest Gate and having all three of us it was pretty much ten years to the day.  They did not waste a minute!

In August 1979 we moved to Havering Gardens, where over the last 40 years Mum and Dad built us a home where the three of us knew we had a loving and solid base no matter what we did right or wrong.  The countless friends made by Mum and Dad in the local area became part of our extended family.  

They loved us unconditionally and were there for us in our triumphs and mistakes. Dad even allowed me to go out with two Arsenal fans!  The three of us were supported and encouraged through school, university, adult life, getting married and becoming parents ourselves.  Here,  Mum and Dad excelled and became super Nana and Grando to Ernie, Issy, Carlos, Archie and Sam, where they got to spoil all five rotten and hand them back to us😊

Finally and most importantly I want to thank Mum and Dad for showing the three of us what love looks like, we saw it every day whilst we were growing up and after we left home, we watched Mum and Dad explore the world and live life to the full, whilst still finding time to spend time with us and our families.   

They didn’t sell us some silly Hollywood version of love, we saw real love in real life and we learnt what the jackpot could look like if you were lucky enough to find the right person.   

Dad we will learn how to live without you and we will look after Mum.  I know you are still with us and will always guide us.  In the words of one of your favourite artists: Dad you are in our hearts and in our souls and you’ll be in our breath until we grow old.